
Forums / Elementary Science / Administration Perspective

Elementary Science

Administration Perspective

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Marsha Fischer Marsha Fischer 395 Points

What do you do to make sure that administration perceives your lessons as exciting and interesting.  It seems as my head of school thinks I am not doing enough 'wow' moments. Not sure what he wants as I do experiments all the time and barely use the textbook.

Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10275 Points

Hi Marsha--

Hmmm. Does your administrator base his comment on what he observed in your classes? I worked with a principal who used to ask 'Are you teaching today, or are the students just doing a lab?' He apparently equated teaching with lecturing/presentations. One day when he asked that I said that I would be teaching my head off that day. He came in during an investigation students were doing with earthworms. They were totally engaged and interested in what they were doing. He looked a little puzzled at first, but afterward he spoke to me with chagrin--'This was the best lesson I've seen. I can see how the kids were learning.'

So if your admin has never been in the classroom for an entire class to see what goes on, I would invite him. If he has observed a lab class and still wants more 'wow,' I'd ask him what a rubric for wow-ness looks like and examples. In his defense, perhaps his own experience as a student was in a class where the science teacher did lots of spectacular demonstrations while the students watched. 

Mary B

Marsha Fischer Marsha Fischer 395 Points

I love the idea of a rubric for wowness! Thanks for the suggestions.

Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10275 Points

My comment on a wow-ness rubric, I admit, was a little snarky. But a larger question is how do we know when students are engaged in an activity. The teacher could do a dramatic demonstration with sparks and noise, but unless it is part of a larger lesson on a topic-- e.g., to raise a question or demonstrate a discrepant event-- it's just another classroom event without context. When students are engaged, they reflect on what they're doing, connect it with previous experiences, and see a new pattern or relationship. That's why I really like the NGSS strand of cross-cutting concepts -- a true source of wow moments!

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