
Forums / New Teachers / Any good tips to be a good science teacher?

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Any good tips to be a good science teacher?

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Viridiana Ramirez Viridiana Ramirez 190 Points

I am currently enrolled in college, and I want to know tips to be a good science teacher. I am not a good with the subject, and I want to be a good teacher for my future students. I want them to have a good education and future. 

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Viridiana, I love your honesty. The best way to be a good science teacher is to keep learning. If you want to be a great science teacher with great students, be passionate about science. Let students know you will be learning just as much as them. Stay a few days ahead of them and make sure you've planned your lessons so that you have materials ready to go for experiments and demonstrations. Practice on family members and friends! My students always challenge me to do more and they ask things I don't know the answer to,

e v e r y d a y! We write their driving question on the board. We see if we can come up with the answer or decide how to go about finding the answer. When we ask questions, that means we are striving to understand and that means more than just re-mixing what was discussed without even wondering about how or why things happen! 

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