
Forums / General Science and Teaching / IB MYP Unit Planning

General Science and Teaching

IB MYP Unit Planning

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Gina Blanchard Gina Blanchard 245 Points

Hello, can anyone help me with ideas on how to complete the IB MYP unit template for middle school science. The OCC site is extremely confusing and my IB MYP Science 1 training is not until January. Thank you

Emily Bates Emily Bates 200 Points

If you have not downloaded the MYP Science guide this link will help. I am new to this as well, but my IB corrdinator helped me fill out the first unit plan, answering the questions I had about the quide. Which aspects are you most confused by, and hopefully I can help.

Maureen Stover Maureen Stover 41070 Points

Hi Gina,

I haven't taught at a middle school that uses the IB MYP, but I've heard that the IB programs are wonderful, so I'm sure once you get everything started this will be a great experience for you and your students! The IB Virtual Community is a great place to contact other teachers who are teaching in this program. I'm sure they will be happy to help you get started with your lesson planning. Here is a PDF about the UK's MYPMYP in the UK. While it is written for the British program, you might find some of the information useful.

Best of luck getting your program started!


Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92296 Points

Probably if you are in this thread, you know what IB and MYP stands for, but just in case: IB: International Baccalaureate MYP: Middle Years Programme The Sciences Guide you shared should be a great help, Emily! Thanks to Maureen for the URLs she shared, as well. Let us know how you like using this program for unit planning, Gina.

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