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Early Childhood

Future Teacher Tips

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Melissa Lopez Melissa Lopez 490 Points

Hello as a future teacher I would really like some advice in classroom managment, strategies, tips or any guidance?

Caitlin Cory Caitlin Cory 400 Points

I have seen many great classroom management strategies modeled in the classroom. One that I see a lot at the beginning of the year is making class rules and allowing the students to be a part of that process so they are creating the rules, and can be referenced back to when the students are breaking the rules they created. Another thing I have seen work well in classrooms is pointing out the students who are on task or doing what they are supposed to instead of calling out the students who are acting out. The students who are acting out often want attention so getting called out is exactly the response they are looking for. When you call out the kid who is on task, others will follow because they want you to notice them too! Lastly, I prefer positive incentives instead of negative punishments, but these are subjective to the behaviors. If a student does something major and needs a punishment, there is a time and a place, but I try to focus more on the positive behaviors in the class rather than the negative ones. 

Janet Villarreal Janet 530 Points

As a feature teacher, I would recommend to always be ready for your class do not prepare your class when you have your students. Students are in everything and they know what teacher is ready to receive them and start learning. Classroom management depends on the grade level, but always have a behavior chart and write everything daily as you can. It is really important to have everything in record. 

Carmen Sandoval Carmen Sandoval 720 Points

Thank you for this! Do you think a behavior chart is good? I know at some districts they do not want it to be known on the wall, but I do believe that it should be written within your knowledge and in case a parent wants to know about their child. 

Janet Villarreal Janet 530 Points

As a feature teacher, I would recommend to always be ready for your class do not prepare your class when you have your students. Students are in everything and they know what teacher is ready to receive them and start learning. Classroom management depends on the grade level, but always have a behavior chart and write everything daily as you can. It is really important to have everything in record. 

Mariel Dominguez Mariel 590 Points

hi carmen, i do think the behavior chart does work in some classes. I was working in a self contained unit and we had a behavior chart and it worked for some of my students. Also we would always send a note home, so parents can know how his day was.

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