Vernier Science Education_Main Pages_January 2025


Forums / Evaluation and Assessment / Assessment Accommodations & Modifications

Evaluation and Assessment

Assessment Accommodations & Modifications

Author Post
Mollie White Mollie White 1560 Points

Hello, I'm Mollie White! I attend Henderson State University in Arkansas. I plan to teach K-6 one day! I love expanding my knowledge when it regards to anything about education! My question pertains to Evaluation and Assessment in the classroom and how you make it a habit as well as a routine as a teacher to always ensure that your include appropriate accommodations and modifications in your assessment/evaluation for students with disabilities and English learners. What are the best strategies?

Vinsensia Wunga Vinsensia Wunga 2056 Points

Hi Mollie,

Great and interesting questions!

I think one of the most important things the teachers should know is the needs and the background of her/his students. As teachers we need to know our students ( that includes their needs, their abilities, their weaknesses, their  background and many more). 

Assessments /Evaluations are meant to help students develop their learning abilities. As teachers we should include appropriate accomodations and modifications in our assessment and it should be written in the lesson plan. We should provide a good lesson plan to guide us in our teaching process. Students should be asess according to their needs and abilities. We need to provide a time and give chances for students to learn according to their abilities.

Allison York Allison York 130 Points

Hi Mollie,


I am very interested in the responses to your question. I believe it is important that we as teachers quide students through their learning and give them opportunities to grow in science and discovery.

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