
Forums / Distance Learning / How to Keep students Engaged in Distance Learning? Any suggestions on science activities for future Educators?

Distance Learning

How to Keep students Engaged in Distance Learning? Any suggestions on science activities for future Educators?

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Norene Reyes Norene Reyes 300 Points

Many times students get distracted when learning online does anyone have any tips on how to keep students engaged during distance learning ? Also any suggestions for science activities/ labs that are virtual friendly. 

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5755 Points

Norene - Are you asking for engagement tips for asynchronous or synchronous distance learning? 

PhET offers free engaging simulation activities. 

Aimee Suarez Aimee Suarez 190 Points

Hi! If your asking for synchronouse distance learning, my advice would be to not repeat the same routine over and over again. Usually kids and adults get tired of following the same routine; try to change your routine every once in a while. Also, try to use more videos and make the class short but using the correct information.

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