Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Early Childhood / Keeping curiosity in space!

Early Childhood

Keeping curiosity in space!

Author Post
Lindsey Neville Lindsey Neville 890 Points

Hi friends!  I am currently student teaching in a kindergarten classroom in Houston.  I have been overwhelmed with excitement to find that many of the girls in my class are showing a lot of interest in space.  In kindergarten we do not focus to much on space but they are constantly asking intelligent questions!  I don’t want them to loose their curiosity for learning so I thought I would ask for a bit of advice!  How would you all recommend I subtly incorporate space into the classroom? I would love to make a computer station where students have the option to explore space and get questions answered.  Does anyone have any resources?  

Gabe Kraljevic Gabe Kraljevic 4564 Points

Hello Lindsey,

Curiosity, asking questions, looking for answers are all part of the nature of science and all young children have these in abundance!  Definitely encourage everyone to keep on being passionate about their interests! While you need to focus on certain topics in your science curriculum do not fear using other topics to get at the nature of science or to quench students’ thirst for knowledge.

Space!  What a wonderful topic.  There are some simple ways that you can foster interest without stealing away from your curriculum topics:

·       Daily science announcements: include the moon phase, celestial events, and the location of planets.

·       Moon observations: observe the moon during recess or in the evening and report to the class. Have a picture of the current moon phase posted in the class.

·       Take home activities: There are many planispheres (aka star finders, star wheels) ( ) that you can download for free and build, calendars of celestial events, and moon phase handouts.

·       Astronomy apps:  Use these in class and send home a list of resources for families to use.  There are many excellent, free starfinder and astronomy apps available.

·       Hold a family astronomy night: almost all local astronomy clubs will help set up a viewing night for you.


·       NASA For Educators [ ]

·        International Space Union AstroEDU [ ]

·       Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Classroom Help [ ]

· [ ]

Consider subscribing to these sites to get astronomy and Earth news:

·       Cosmic Pursuits: []

·       EarthSky Org [ ]

Hope this helps!

- Gabe Kraljevic


Amanda Fraley Amanda Fraley 905 Points

  NASA has a website designed for K-4, of course, you'd have to go through and find what you want them to do, but it is a credible sight where they are less likely to develop misconceptions.

You could incoorporate plants and the sun, and then branch out to stars! 

Or have the students design planets and then place them around the sun, as our universe is desgined.  

George Mehler George Mehler 1775 Points

Hello fellow science teachers,
I am replying you behalf of Funsciencedemos YouTube Channel that is home to hundreds of free videos for ideas for teachers and students to recreate in the classroom. Science is our passion and we are so excited to share our engaging, kid-teacher-parent friendly, and interactive lessons with you to use in the classroom or at home. Our videos adhere to the common core science standards, encompass a wide variety of science concepts, and are specifically geared toward younger learners. All videos on the FunScienceDemos channel come with an English subtitle that can be translated into almost any language, making science lessons accessible virtually any place in the world.  
We encourage you check it out and spread the word! We post new science videos once a month, please subscribe our channel.
The FunScienceDemos Team

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