Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Chemistry / Sub Plans for High School Chemistry


Sub Plans for High School Chemistry

Author Post
Rebekah Carter Rebekah Case 230 Points


I am a first year teacher and we need to turn in sub plans for a few days. We are on a hybrid schedule (42 minutes three days a week and 88 minutes two days a week). At this moment, I only have one good sub plan (from Does anyone have any good lessons that a sub could facilitate? Our district does not allow us to show videos on sub days.


TraciAnn Harada TraciAnn Harada 1540 Points

I think it depends on what you are teaching but you could have students review using a jeopardy game. They could would in pairs or in groups and write their answer on a small white board. Then the sub would just have to keep score. Or you could have the students play element bingo. Give each student a blank card and have them fill it in with any elements. You can have the all prompts for the sub to read: (example - has 6 protons [carbon], halogen in the 3rd period [bromine]) You could also create a hand out on these I hope some of these ideas were helpful.

Vanessa Cannon Vanessa Cannon 1660 Points

I love both of Traci's ideas and this goes along the same lines. An idea I learned in a PD class was to have graffiti walls, I use it all the time for review even when I'm in class. Basically each period have a sub tape up poster board on the different walls. Each poster has a vocab word (or maybe element?) up at the top. Separate the kids into groups of 3-4 and give each group a different color marker. Then it's like musical chairs. The groups spend 2 minutes at each poster writing or drawing something. To make it harder I say they can't write the same as someone else. It gives collaboration and problem solving and you can tell each group completed the task by the colors on the posters. A 5 minute reflection for closure and your set. Hope you enjoy your time off!

Rebekah Carter Rebekah Case 230 Points

Thank you! These are all great ideas!

I've always thought about that also, since I am a first year teacher. I've found that having students complete computer simulations online work well. If you know online videos or simulations related to what you are teaching, I've found that students can explore by themselves and they don't really need that much help. But with planning for those types of lessons, I've made up my own worksheets based on exploring the websites myself or used the worksheets from that specific website and modified them.

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Chris Leverington Chris Leverington 4035 Points

I think the subs in my district would be highly irritated if they had to do something other than sit there and not pay attention to what the kids are doing.

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