
Forums / New Teachers / Integrating Science into the K-2 Classroom

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Integrating Science into the K-2 Classroom

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Kalyn Payne Kalyn Payne 200 Points

In most Kindergarten thru Second Grade Classrooms there is not a specific time for science to be taught. What tips and tricks do you all have for incorporating science into this style of classroom?

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92296 Points

Hello Kalyn, 

Let me introduce you to  a monthly column in the Science & Children journal that is filled with tips and tricks for incorporating science in the younger years.  It is called 'The Early Years' by Peggy Ashbrook.  You might start with her article from April/May 2019 titled, 'Creating a Kit' at:

The idea of having kits on hand helps provide flexibility for you, the teacher, as you can access this particular kit sometime during the school year when you are exploring the properties of water.  Perhaps you are studying weather or reading a book about the seasons; you will have a bin of materials that can be used to provide hands-on experiences for your students to supplement your curriculum.  Ideally, you school will have science standards as part of their district's scope and sequence.  If not, you will find so many engaging activities and ideas for integrating science concepts with the reading, writing, and math already emphasized in the early elementary grades.

As you continue your exploration of the NSTA Learning Center, I encourage you to fill out your online profile in the Learning Center.  Many educators who share expertise and experiences in teaching and learning science love finding out more about who they are having dialogs with in the community forums.  It is a fun way to get to know each other.  We have educators from around the country and world who regularly visit and participate in the NSTA Learning Center community forums!


Carolyn Mohr

Adjunct Professor, 

Dominican University & Southern Illinois University/Carbondale


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