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Social Media and Teaching

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Hannah Speed Hannah Speed 230 Points


I am currently in my last year of my teaching program and I follow a lot of teachers on Instagram and love how they share ideas for others to use. I use social media and want to incorporate teaching into it, but I am not sure of the best way to do so. I need help and tips. Do the rules for student confidentialy vary from school to school, and is it best to create a page focused entirely for teaching and teaching resources only! Let me know your tips and strategies with involving social media in your teaching. 



Gabe Kraljevic Gabe Kraljevic 4564 Points

Hello Hannah,

There may be slight variations in confidentiality policies between school districts but, in general, we all need to follow federal and state statues on privacy. In short, people outside your classroom should not be able to identify your students in pictures or words and should not have communication access to individual students.

With respect to using social media in your classroom you must check with your administrators who will be well-versed in the school district’s policies regarding what and how you can use it with your students. Most districts will likely have media release forms for families to allow or deny the school permission to post photos, work or names of their children. Don’t assume that all parents are ok with you posting information that can identify their children. Only use social media if you have a plan to use it educationally.

I categorically oppose using private or personal email addresses, Twitter feeds, websites, or Facebook pages to communicate with students or families. Set up specific accounts that are strictly for your classroom(s) to use. There are many web-hosting services that are specifically designed for teachers and classrooms. Check with your district if they have licenses or agreements with specific webhosts for you to use. As much as possible password-enable your websites and control who has access. Inform parents of what and how you are using social media. But, even giving parents access to sections of your site where your students might be engaging or posting work might be problematic. Again, check with your administrators for advice.

I primarily used websites where students would have discussions on topics, post research, upload presentations, find deadlines for assignments, download worksheets or homework and have links to videos and content that I used in class. I often had weekly “What’s this?” or “Who is this?” photos that students had to identify and post facts they had researched.

But you must remember: Keep your students safe. Keep yourself safe.

Hope this helps!


Michala Pulliam Michala Pulliam 1370 Points

Hi Hannah , 

I think some fun ways to use social media safely and appropriate would be to use private blogs to post about a choosen topic such as story writing. another would be to online pen pals to encourge writing skills . you can use youtube or tik tok  by having your  students create their own tutorials or creative skits on a certain topic or problem. You can keep the video private and only show it via a URL link, but this is great to send to parents to show them what their kids are up to during school hours.

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