Working as TA in an elementary I have seen the struggles of first graders when it comes to english and laguage arts. Is there any recommendations on how to engage students to want to read short stories that seem boring to them?
Hey Cindy!
I think one way you can try to engage your students is by trying to make some sort of connections to the stories they may be reading. Maybe like a personnal experience or find a way to make them feel more connected.
I work with 3-4 years old and I noticed what works for me when I read them short stories is when I read with exaggeration and involve them into the story to make them feel connected. Now whenever I come in, they argue with another of whose going to be the star of the story. They're engaged and ready to learn whenever I involve them in the story and I think it is just the cutest thing. This is what works for me and I thought maybe you would like to hear it as well.
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