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Hi Science teachers!!

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Xin Pan Xin Pan 20 Points

Dear Science teachers, I am a graduate student learning educational technology. I am doing a project on science simulations this semester. So basically I am going to build an interactive simulation so that kids can play with and learn some concepts along the way. The concept that I am thinking doing is about "gravity". (such as how mass and distance affect gravity) However, I am not a content expert in this, so I really need your help! I would like to know what kind of concepts do you usually introduce about "gravity". Like the different levels of gravitational pulls between objects? Thank you soooo much!!

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Use the Learning Center Search feature- choose the topic, then the grade level, then lesson plans and activities. Also check and embed some short videos of astronauts playing with their food in space!

Lee Graves Lee Graves 190 Points

I honestly believe it depends on the level of the students are you teaching. With my freshman physical science classes I talk about gravity and what causes it, but do not go into the math showing how mass and distance affect it. I just want them to understand the general background of the information. My junior and senior level physics classes, however, I do go into the numeric relationships. I like to discuss gravity a little more because there are many other aspects that use the inverse square relationship, so I hit it hard during gravity and continue talking about it for light intensity and sound intensity. I hope that answered your question

Xin Pan Xin Pan 20 Points

Really appreciate the explanation! I do not have much experience on how it might be like in the classroom, so might need some of your explanation on this concept.

As you have mentioned, for younger students, it would be better not showing them the numeric relationship and I think it makes sense to me. So could you tell me what is the objective for freshman physical science classes? Are they building the relationship between phenomenon and the concept, such as what is gravity? why is it important? Sth like that?

Lee Graves Lee Graves 190 Points

I think the objective for freshman physical science is to give them an introduction of topics in physics and chemistry. So yes, your right, it is more about learning the basics than digging into the details.

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