Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Early Childhood / oobleck

Early Childhood


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Venegas Pedro Pedro Venegas 590 Points

I am trying to understand what exactly oobleck is and how it works. I need someone to explain it to me in lameins terms.

Marielena Gurdian Marielena Gurdian 465 Points

I just recently did this for my science class! it's really fun. Basically the oobleck is a mix of cornstarch and water. Its a Non newtonian fluid meaning it doesn't share the same properties as for this particular mixture the oobleck looks like a liquid but in reality is both a liquid and solid, if you try to grab it really fast its solid if you just let it go though your fingers slowly it flows like a liquid. The Oobleck is very similar to quick sand! You should try it! hope this helps.

Venegas Pedro Venegas Pedro 590 Points

THANKS, yes it helped.

Alyssa Baum Alyssa Baum 865 Points

Although someone already answered your, 'What is oobleck?' question, there are a lot of fun things you can do with it. Cross-curriculum activities in ECE are crucial and oobleck is a great place to start! Dr. Seuss has a book called Bartholomew and the Oobleck. Reading that book to students would be a great way to introduce the creation of oobleck into your classroom. The book could be used as an interactive read aloud during reading time and writing assignments could be created off of the content in that story. The actual creation of oobleck and discussion on the properties of matter could then be tied into the science portion of the week.

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