
Forums / Physical Science / Lecture vs. Activities/Inquiry/Everything Else

Physical Science

Lecture vs. Activities/Inquiry/Everything Else

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Michael Moran Mike Moran 295 Points

With me being in my final year as an education major, I have been introduced to numerous ways to get students learning. Inquiry has been a large portion of that. As much as I love hands on activities and inquiry lessons, there is science content that needs to be addressed in a traditional setting though, in my opinion. There needs to be some physical evidence that students can go back to at any time to answer their questions. Don't get me wrong, I want to keep the lecturing to a minimum in my future classroom. I believe that students need to be able to write the most important aspects of that topic down to apply to everything in the future.

Debra Bahr Debra Bahr 155 Points

I understand students need notes to refer to but those can come after exploration.

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