
Forums / Elementary Science / Incorporating Everyday Science in the Classroom

Elementary Science

Incorporating Everyday Science in the Classroom

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Jessica Ferguson Jessica Ferguson 180 Points

I have learned that science and social studies can sometimes be overlooked when it comes to teaching these subjects everyday in the elementary school classroom. What is a way I can incorporate science in my classroom, so my students can see that science is something they see in their everyday lives. 

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

You are correct about science and social studies being overlooked. One thing you can do is to have a current events spot in your class room. Currently, there is an active volcano in Hawaii. You can show them a video that lasts maybe two minutes. Have them write down any questions they have about it and discuss those questions at the end of the day or when ever you find a few minutes to spare. Sign up for Spot the Station which will send you email alerts about when the International Space Station will be visible in your area. Use to locate articles of interest that are science related. You're on the right track!

Ariel Gordy Ariel Gordy 1175 Points

I think incorporating science into a lesson would be fairly easy, since science is all around us. You could integrate science with another subject, like reading for example and present a book that is science related. There are lots of books about planets, animals, and other topics. You could also use the weather outside to start up a classroom science discussion. Maybe you could have a class plant that students help take care of and track its growth. I hope these ideas help you.

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