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Forums / Chemistry / High School Chemisty eBook


High School Chemisty eBook

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Kristin Blanck Kristin Blanck 10 Points

One of the chemistry teachers in my science department is looking for a good eTextbook for his regular chemistry students to use next year more as a reference during the year. Does anyone use an ebook that they really like for teaching regular high school chemistry?

Thank you!

Jill Bailer Jill Bailer 485 Points

Have they looked into OpenStax, part of Rice University. The ebooks are free and print ones can be ordered - I don’t know the cost. They are written at the university level but I know they are working to make sure all Texas high school standards are covered. Jill=

Charissa Barnhill Charissa Barnhill 2434 Points

Ck-12 has an online chemistry textbook. I know the chemistry teachers I work with really enjoy it becuase it has lots ov videos and even practice questions that are differentiated (they get more difficult as the students get them correct). It also works nicely with Google Classrom where you can assign readings and questions and see the results. I beleive it is free. 

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