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Early Education Science

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Kennedi Taylor Kennedi Taylor 100 Points

As a future educator, I am curious to see how implementing science into everyday curriculum, either in reading or language arts is happening in order to keep the children more intrigued and involved in all of the curricula! 

Yolanda Rodriguez Yolanda Rodriguez 330 Points

Hello, I am a kindergarten teacher. The way that I sometime incorporate reading or language arts is by reading books that are science related such as the Very Hungry Caterpillar, Bear Snores On, The Tiny Seed, etc,. For ELA, I have objectives such as story elements, finding main ideas, summarizing, and/or inferences. Then, I use these type of books to incorporate them in science, Hungry Catepillar to teach Life Cycle, Bear Snores On to teach animal adaptations/hibernation, and Tiny Seed to teach plant cycle. I feel books are a great way to implement science into the curriculum. 


Allison Hadley Allison Hadley 75 Points

You can definately add science into reading or language arts.  You can have books in the reading area that are science related on topics that the children are interested in such as different animals (birds and building nests, caterpillers changing into butterflies) as well as flowers/trees or books on simple science experiments.  For language arts, pair a book with an animal (stuffed aminal or puppet) from that book for children to use as they read the book or have a matching game where children have to match animals with the first letter of the name of the animal. 


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