
Forums / STEM / Helping Students


Helping Students

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Jasee Ivey Jasee Ivey 470 Points

How do you handle doing whole class experiments and keeping an eye on every student, students who are more prone to accidents, etc.

I love doing hands on with my kids, but I really struggle keeping up with that many kids in an experiment setting.

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5755 Points

Age range probably makes a difference in the approach. At the high school and college level, before starting, we go over 'worst-case scenarios' and talk about how to respond safely. Working in teams helps, as does having a portion of their grade as 'professionalism'. 

Lily Albertson Lily Albertson 530 Points

I think having a part of their grade based on their behavior would be very helpful. Go over expectations prior to starting the experiment and what they may see during the experiment. Plan your groups prior to starting so you can try and strategically place students where they can do their best or where you can assist them the most.

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