
Forums / Life Science / Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores

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Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores

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Cristal Rodriguez Cristal Rodriguez 250 Points

Hello, I wanted to know different inputs on how you teach a third grade classroom about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. I'd love to explore fun, engaging, unique ways that teachers teach this concept! I would prefer hands-on activities and books. Thank you!

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5755 Points

Pinterest has some really great ideas for graphic organizers! 

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Cristal, you might be interested in looking through [email protected] resources.

I found this lesson which I have done in a different manner with 2nd-5th graders.


It is an engaging lesson and gets students involved. After teaching this topic, we dissected owl pellets to show the real life connection and of course we watched a Mike Row Dirty Jobs short video about collecting owl pellets. 

Ruth Hutson Ruth Hutson 64325 Points

Role play is a great way to have students learn about different types of animals and their eating preferences.  You might have a look at this article from the learning center.  It outlines a wildlife game that helps students learn about wildlife's basic needs.  It would definitely be adaptable to a third grade classroom.  

Pamuela Galletti Pamuela Galletti 1765 Points

I teach 4th grade and though it is not 3rd grade, it is close enough!  What we do is we grab their interest by having them dissect owl pellets.  It is a great intro into animals and what they eat.  I also went on TeacherPaysTeacher and grabbed some useful items there.  I would have to agree that is also a great resource.  My students wanted to know more because they were interested in the owl pellets.  It's a great start and hook into Life Science.  

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