Hi everyone, I'm Nina writing from TeachKind, PETA's humane-education division. We work with educators around the country to help bring compassion for animals into curriculums and school activities. I wanted to let you know about a new "Cut Out Dissection" contest (http://www.peta.org/action/teachkind-cut-dissection-contest/) we have running this month, through which educators will have a chance to win a free classroom set of Digital Frog 2.5 virtual-dissection software. It's free to enter, and the contest runs until October 31. Check out the contest page for more details: http://www.peta.org/action/teachkind-cut-dissection-contest/. This is an awesome opportunity for anyone looking to replace animal dissections in their classroom or upgrade their software to a high-quality Digital Frog program that can be reused year after year (saving lots of money for your school!). Feel free to get with me if you have any questions. Hopefully this is helpful to some of you! -Nina
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