Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / New Teachers / Next Generation of Science Educators

New Teachers

Next Generation of Science Educators

Author Post
Robert Anderson Robert Anderson 40 Points

This idea was brought up in a committee meeting, I'm not sure the best forum to post it, so I'm sticking it here. Apologies in advance.

Is anyone's state, county, district, or school doing anything to attract young learners, middle and high school, to the field of education, specifically science education? I sit on my state's licensure and preparation board, and we have been focused on ways to attract university students and career changersinto education but is that too late? My local union provides a scholarship to students going into education but there isn't much followup (we are working to change this). WE push students into STEM careers but are we doing enough to cultivate the next generation of science educators? I know, at an early stage in my career, I was the 'you're not becoming a math teacher, you're going to school, and you'll find a cure for cancer' person, and now I regret some of those comments. I don't know who will replace me when I hang up my Venier dual-range force sensor. 

Does anyone know of, or participate in, programs that engage early learners in a way that promotes entry/interest into the field of science education? I know there's Future Teachers of America exists. I'd love to be educated on FTA too. Are there any other resources I should be exploring as well? Should NSTA or local associatings be doing more to convice the 13 year old in physical science that being a science teacher might be a fantastic career path.

Thanks for your time!

Dylan Harvey Dylan Harvey 2320 Points

Hello Robert Anderson,

I am a preservice teacher so I do not believe I can offer much of an answer. Instead, I can say that i have seen very little in the way of encouragement for both college students and students at my middle school I'm training at to go into teaching science. I, myself went into science teaching because family and friends said I would make a great teacher and I have a particular love for science, but none of my own teachers in school, or professors in community college encouraged anyone into education. I myself hadn't thought of it till I read this post. I'm prepping myself to push students into STEM fields like most new teachers are, but now I wonder if education is a career I shoud also push for. 

Robert Anderson Robert Anderson 40 Points


Thank you for your reply. I have a similar experience. I went through an entire undergraduate program and not a single person spoke to me about becoming an educator. It was not until two years after I completed my BA that I considered going into education; for similar reasons to you. Now I'm 16 years in, sit on my state's licenture and preparation board, and am trying to brainstorm ways to improve recruitment at earlier ages. 

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