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I am searching for online training in how to use interactive whiteboards effectively. I am an elementary level science teacher for an independent school. We have an eno whiteboard so the many resources for SmartBoards are not applicable. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Generally the website for your board has videos that help you set the board up, calibrate it and then generally provides you with some kind of basic ideas on how to use the board. I did a Google search and came up with this link as a place to start.
As for overall training as to how to use the board effectively in teaching, there isn’t a whole lot out there. The technology is still pretty new and lots of us are still in the trial and error mode. There are some books out there, but you are correct, they are very product specific versus an overall how to use the board in a variety of ways. Almost everything I’ve seen deal with Language Arts and some Math, mostly at an elementary level versus upper level Math and Science. A resource I have found useful is Tech Learning, an online “magazine” you can subscribe to. When I search for Interactive Whiteboard Training, this is the list of URL’s for the search, As with all resources, there are bits and pieces that can be useful.
In my school district, we had one teacher go to training (at the districts expense) and come back and train the other teachers. Sounds good on paper...not. So when our "expert" finished training us, I could turn on/off and implement a few programs. Not enough to effectively use my board. I then went to the web site that the company who sold us the board had and started with their "tutorials" and where there were possible hands-on-training. That was a big plus, I started the slow journey to "mastering" my board. I then contacted my educational region center and asked them for some help finding some free or cheap hands-on training. They came through and next week I am going to a free all-day training by the makers of the board. It seems like a lot of work, and it really is, however if you weigh the benefits of being able to use some high quality technology in your classroom to it's lack of use, you might agree with me that your time and effort to learn how to use it will be paid back with the increased quality and relevance of your lessons.
I have a wall mounted SMARTboard, so my situation is different. Have you tried finding youtube "how to use" or "tutorial of using" white boards?
Just a quick note, when using the URL's posted in my previous post, they don't seem to work just clicking within the post. If you copy and paste them into the URL line of the browser they work fine.
yeah training is a problem here too!! Most of the teachers write on their power point presentations.
One of the main interactive white boards I have used is made by SMART. Their website has a full sweet of tutorials and an exchange for lessons. Also, they promote their own channel fr using SMART boards in the classroom SMART on youtube...
Does anyone have an interactive whiteboard lesson or resources they would like to share?
Thank you,
If you scroll down to the bottom of Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educator page,
there is a link that has numerous links to white board lessons.
You may find just the lesson you are looking for.
I am going to be student teaching in January and will be attempting to use a Promethean board. I am so glad that someone else had the same question as I did. The resources posted in this discussion will be really helpful while I am learning to use the board.
Hi Kaitlin! Here is link for ideas on what you can do with a Promethean board:
I'm also going to be student teaching in a classroom with a Promethean board, they are really neat! Something I've seen my CT do a lot of is pull up a document that students can interact with directly using the special pen. For example, she has had the students come up to do DOLs (Daily Oral Language). The students correct sentences using correct editing marks, answer analogies, and answer geography questions. I like this because if a student makes a mistake it's easy to go back a few steps to "erase" what they've done so they can try again.
Thank you for the resources Carolyn. I can’t wait to look them over to see how I could utilize them in my classroom.