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Distance Learning

Going back to Traditional Learning

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Melinda Garza-Cantu Melinda Garza-Cantu 510 Points

Being a student that has experienced both online and traditional learning I know the struggle it is to suddenly not be able to go to school anymore, but now I'm having a really hard time thinking about going back with all the new COVID cases constantly being reported. The University constantly reassures that they are taking every possible precaution to ensure our safety and I want to go back and learn how I used to but it's scary to think that I might be putting my family at risk. Does anyone else feel the same way? If so, what extra precautions are yall taking? 

Adamary Villarreal Adamary Villarreal 450 Points

Greetings Melinda, as a current university student the precautions I will be taking are: wearing a disposable mask, taking hand sanitizer, avoid touching things as much as possible, stay 6 feet away from others, and shower when I arrive home. I am definitely worried about returning to campus especially since my grandmother lives with me and my family, although we are all fully vaccinated it's not 100% effective.

Lizbeth Auces Lizbeth Auces 590 Points

Hello Melinda, I know that going back to traditional learning is scary because not everyone will take the precautions that one takes in order to ensure the safety of our family members when going back home. I understand your feeling of being scare but what I started doing was spraying my car with Lysol and before entering my home, I change in the laundry room. Our laundry room is outside so that helps a lot. I wash my clothes and change into the extra pair of clothes that I placed there before leaving for the university. I wash my hands and take a shower before getting into contact with anyone at my home. I hope this helps! 

Amanda Montanez Amanda Montanez 440 Points

Hello Melinda! I have experienced both online and traditional learning at the University as well, so I completely see where you are coming from. This pandemic has really changed everything and to all of a sudden go back to school is hard to adjust to again. Considering the rising cases of COVID I am being extra precautious when on campus and anywhere else in the public. I just make sure to always have my mask on the right way, have germx on me at all times, and disinfect the areas that I will be in. The whole thing is very scary but we will be safe as long as we're each doing our part. 

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