
Forums / New Teachers / Do we still use this in Science classes?

New Teachers

Do we still use this in Science classes?

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Xochitl Carmona Xochitl Carmona 570 Points

My favorite part of science class growing up was when we got to watch Bill Nye's video. I was able to find all of the seasons and download them. Are they still relevant to use in the classroom today or should I just save them for a fun day?

Jasmin Castaneda Jasmin Castaneda 510 Points

As a substitute teacher I have seen several teachers that still use bill nye's videos maybe not for all science subjects . What i have seen that they use lately is brainpop well at least in the disctrict where I work at. Brainpop is given to your school with the user and password so you dont have to pay for it. Plus you can still use it for other subjects as well as history and math ect.

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