
Forums / Elementary Science / 5E Lesson Plan: Food chains

Elementary Science

5E Lesson Plan: Food chains

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Danna Garcia Danna Garcia 530 Points

I will be teaching a science lesson to my third graders on food chains. My engage is a read aloud with the book 'Hey diddle diddle,' and although the book rhymes alot and seems engaging, I believe it could be more. 

How can I make a read aloud on food chains more engaging? Could I do an activity that involves the whole class while I read it out loud?

Alexandra Gonzalez Alexandra Gonzalez 710 Points

I definitely think you can make it more engaging by bringing the book to life. You can make cards with each of the animals from the book and give one card to each student (depending how many animals there are). You can get yarn and lets say for example that a fish gets eaten by a shark then they will extend the yarn to that animal (the shark) and so on.  In the end, you should have a mini food web. 


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