Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Elementary Science / Ozobot Advice

Elementary Science

Ozobot Advice

Author Post
Sarah Mamaril Sarah Mamaril 845 Points

Hi there, 

   I'm looking for some insights on using Ozobots with 4th and 5th-grade elementary students. I teach pre-service teachers and conduct field experiences with them at local elementary schools. We just got a class set of Ozobots and I would love to build a series of lessons (2-3) in which we can use the Ozobots. We are only in the classroom a few times so the 'teaching' window is really short. I'm wondering how difficult it is to teach 4th-5th grade students to use the ozobots. I'm familiar with how they work and that they use colored markers or Blockley. I'm also aware their website is pretty good and has lesson ideas. I'm interested in your experience and logistics/troubleshooting. 

  If you have used Ozobots with your students before, how long does the learning processes take? Do you think we could teach them how to use it in one lesson and then use them more creatively in the second lesson? Do you have any great science lessons for the Ozobot that you could recommend? 

I appreciate any help!

Mary Lynn Hess Mary Hess 13473 Points

Hi Sarah,

I bet your students will have fun with the Ozobots. I found this link with two fun activities: Who Can Find the Pot of Gold? and Pollinator Garden

Have fun!

Lessons | Ozobot

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