
Forums / Elementary Science / Science for the Next Generation

Elementary Science

Science for the Next Generation

Author Post
Aleah Tiwari Aleah Tiwari 140 Points

The article Science for the NextGeneration discusses various guidelines for creating lessons that will most effectively teach students new concepts. In order for students to grasp concepts they must have foundation and background information about the topic. There are parts of lessons that must be discussed with students in order for them to further contextualize them and use them in the real world. There are many ways to do this, the text states 'Investigations attempt to test and extend the limit of prior understanding.' It is through investigation that students are about to ecplore concepts that they have already been taught. It is not through an investigation that a student learns but it is through intial lessons. An investigation is used to expand there knowledge and apply it. 

The article also explains that through the steps of investigating students will gain skills that will allow them to succeed in their future careers. The students are forced to rely on their own knowledge and understanding in order to complete investigations with their peers. This distances their reliance of the teacher allowing them to build thoughts and ideas that are soley their own. Although teachers are vital to guiding and assisting in the learning of the student, it is most affective when a student is able to control their learning. Through data collection and disscussion it is easier for students to understand processes. The idea of discussion will also allow students to be open to change, all concepts in science can be elaborated on or changed as the world changes. Students should be open to new ideas of there own as well as hearing them from their peers as well as their teachers. 

These concepts are very important in teacher science and ensuring students are given the right support in their learning. 

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