
Forums / Chemistry / Free online learning for balancing chemical equations and learning the elements


Free online learning for balancing chemical equations and learning the elements

Author Post
Sue Dunn Sue Dunn 40 Points

Hi if you are scrambling to find online activities in case schools close, I'd like to suggest my Chembalancer chemistry game and Element Quiz game at They are both free and do not require registration. The Chembalancer game has instruction built in and works great - all my former grade 9 students learned to balance chemical equations in half in hour. It's super easy to grade too - just have them send you a screenshot of the final page showing they completed the activities.

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5755 Points

For ease of access, here is the hyperlink: 

Gabe Kraljevic Gabe Kraljevic 4564 Points

I highly recommend the online PhET simulations, particularly this one:

Hope this helps,



Bradley Clark Bradley Clark 190 Points

That balancing equation game sounds awesome. I am going to borrow that and will let you know how it goes!

Amanda Robin amanda robin 1395 Points

PhET, is one of the favorite sites to add a simulator for students to explore. 

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