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Forums / Elementary Science / Science in Special Education

Elementary Science

Science in Special Education

Author Post
Madison Minio Madison Minio 180 Points

I was wondering if anyone had any tips or resources for teaching science to children with special needs? Like how to adapt lesson plans? Making plans that would work for everyone? Taking into account different types of learning?

Debi Hanuscin Deborah Hanuscin 6285 Points

Hi, Madison-

My SPED colleague and I, along with classroom teachers, wrote a book about using Universal Design for Learning to address students' needs, particular those with disabilities. You can read a sample chapter through NSTA: https://my.nsta.org/resource/121585 The UDL Guidelines from CAST are a great resource (we mention this in the book): https://udlguidelines.cast.org/

You might also check out the NSTA affiliated group, Science Education for Students with Disabilities and their journal-- found here: https://scholarworks.rit.edu/jsesd/


Debi Hanuscin

Sydney Garvin Sydney Garvin 200 Points

I am wondering the same thing. If anyone could help in providing any resources, that would be awesome! Thank you.

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