
Forums / Elementary Science / GT Projects

Elementary Science

GT Projects

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Mayra Aguilar Mayra Aguilar 580 Points

Does anyone have any ideas for GT projects for Ecosystems? I am currently in a 2nd grade GT class and they are high achievers and always needing projects because they are so hands on! It is hard to find projects for them to do online and I really wish I could have a project for every subject in Ecosystems. Any help is greatly appreciated! If you also have recommendations for any other science lesson projects please feel free to share, thanks in advance!

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

This is something different and so much engagement. Not only do students create the information, illustrations, and sequencing the presentation, they must also build the Kamishibai! That's using science and engineering, creating and presenting for an audience, and so much more. This was done by some 5th grade French Immersion students about my school this year. They researched the Mayans and Aztecs, built their kamishibai, created the slides, they used cardboard, translated the information from English to French, and presented to various grade levels. There is also a book titled, The Kamishibai Man.

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