The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / Elementary Science / Technology Tools

Elementary Science

Technology Tools

Author Post
Bri Lingenfelter Bri Lingenfelter 1405 Points

In your experience, how do technology tools in the science classroom increase student learning? Are there some that you find work better than others?

Stephanie Davis Stephanie Davis 4398 Points

I teach 4th grade advanced content. One of my favorite online learning tools is Phet Simulations and Gizmos simulations. I used Phet when we were learning about matter. They could manipulate the molecules by increasing/decreasing temperature, pressure, and amounts. It allowed them to see the stuctural difference in solids, liquids, and gases. I used both programs for simulations with the solar system. The lesson plans are very useful that go with the simulations. We made 3-D printed models of the Earth and moon. We turned the lights off and used a lamp as the sun. The students were able to see the moon's phases as it revolved around the Earth. We used coding on Scratch and Makey Makey circuit boards to create interactive projects on our space themed research. Generation Genius is a great science-based lesson site. I also like to use GimKit, Blooket, and Kahoot as interactive game mode review.

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