
Forums / Elementary Science / Hands - On Experiments

Elementary Science

Hands - On Experiments

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Cassandra Reyna Cassandra Reyna 170 Points

Hello, do you believe that the postive aspects outweigh the negative aspects of having hands on experiments in class? 

Claudia Saenz Claudia Saenz 180 Points

Hello Cassandra 

I would believe the positive aspects greatly outweighs the negative aspects of having hands on experiments in class. Many students learn a lot more during hands on activities than with lectures so it would be great if we were to be able to implement more hands on experiments during the science lessons. Hands on experiments is also great with engaging students into the lesson. 

Thank you 

Claudia Saenz

Hello Cassandra, 

I believe that the positicve aspects of having hands on experiments in class is greater than the negative aspects that it has. Not only does it help students be more involved, but it helps them be engaged and also allows them to have interest in the subject that they are covering in class. Not only that, but many learn in different ways, and having hands on activities/experiments can help students retain the information better. 

Kirsten Crowder Kirsten Crowder 310 Points

Hi Cassandra!

From my own learning experiences, I do believe that the positive outweighs the negative when it comes to having hands-on experiments in class! I can remember all of the old school projects that I had to do throughout school and none of the worksheets I had to complete or the lectures I had to sit through. I do wonder, however, how more hands-on experiments and activities can be implemented in more subjects than just science?



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