Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / New Teachers / Incorporating science into a classroom

New Teachers

Incorporating science into a classroom

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Rachel Porto Rachel Porto 610 Points

I am going to graduate in may of 2024, and from the classrooms I have been in over the years have not incorporated much science into their days. How do you incorporate science into your classroom when none of the other teachers in your grade level are incorporating any science?

Mina Sedaghatjou Mina Sedaghatjou 1825 Points

Great question. Following... 

Riley Kammeyer Riley Kammeyer 978 Points

Hi there! I am currently a 4th year student at Wartburg College taking a science methods course. One of the assignments we were given was to find a technology piece to use in the classroom. I chose as it has 4 different topics for students to explore. I found the website is fun for students to use and it's a pretty user friendly website for students that keeps them engaged. You could do short mini lessons that go along with these topics as well. There are also so many other free resources out there! I hope this helps. 

Olivia Rayfield Olivia Rayfield 540 Points

I feel as though science can be incorportaed into many different subjects, even if they are not mainly focusing on science. For example, in English you can have students write an informational essay using evidence and reasoning. It does not have to be directly in a science class for it to be incorporated. I think something that's so awesome about teaching is that all courses can be intertwined and connect. Another way this can be done in in read alouds. While having read alouds in your classroom, pick a piece of writing connected to science. This post,about%20science%20using%20new%20vocabulary gives a lot of great ideas of incorporating science into literacy.

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