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Pre-service Teachers

Incorporating Technology into your Teaching

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Kaylyn Hoth Kaylyn Hoth 670 Points

Hello, my name is Kaylyn Hoth and I am currently a fourth-year student at Wartburg College. The use of technology is becoming more and more common in the classroom. As a pre-service teacher, I am looking for ways that I can incorporate fun, engaging technology into my future classroom. What are some resources you have used to implement technology in your science classroom? 

Abeygail Evans Abeygail Evans 1210 Points

Hi Kaylyn, my name is Abey. I am a senior at the University of Delaware studying Elementary and Middle School Science Education. A resource I discovered this semester in my science inquiry class is SciStarter. This is a website full of Citizen Science Projects for all people and ages. You can search for projects of a specific age range or content. Using Citizen Science projects in the classroom helps make content more relevant for students. I have found some projects that have lesson plans created for teaching using them, which is extremely helpful. Even if you find a project you like, but students can not directly participate in them you could complete the project as a class being more community based. Then contribute to the project yourself as the responsible adult in the room with the compilation of class findings.

Engagement was a worry for me as well going into teaching, and if there is anything I could recommend it would be building relationships with your students. The more you know about students' interest, the more you can draw upon in making your teaching relatable to the students. This can be as simple as helping students visualize scale by comparing a kilometer to 10 football fields. 

In terms of fun and interactive technologies, I have a list of review games sites you could explore. These are Blooket, Quizzes, Quizlet live, and Gimkit. I would use these as a review and study opportunity in order for them to be meaningfully used in the classroom. Two other resources I have seen and used in student teaching are ChatterPix(app) and PearDeck.

I hope this is helpful to you, and good luck on your education journey.

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