
Forums / Elementary Science / future elementary teacher

Elementary Science

future elementary teacher

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Isabel Flores Isabel Flores 460 Points

Hello everyone, I'm currently in the bilingual education program and I am looking foward to learning a lot of fun stuff from these courses. I am quite nervous to teach science in general because it can be confusing to me but, i'm hoping these courses help me be more open about this subject. What is one way to keep students engaged in the subject and be excited about learning about it? Also what are some activities I can do with my future students so they are entertained?

Sarah Langley Sarah Langley 615 Points

Hi Isabel,

When it comes to figuring out different ways to keep students engaged with science, it's extremely important to find something that not only follows along with the grade level that you're planning to teach, but something that they can possibly do with their parents at home as long as it's completely safe and doesn't have any potential hazards. Personally, I'd recommend you implement more hands on activities with your students ( making a volcano, tye dye, combining different solutions together) instead of written because of how some students tend to stop paying attention to their teacher after having to write for a long time and leads their hands into hurting from writing so much. Hope this helps

Sarai Leal Sarai Leal 580 Points

Hi isabelle i think some activities that would be fun and engaging for example when i was back in elementary i remeber learning about the moon phases with oreo cookies & also with having a lap (the sun) and a syrafoam ball (the moon) on a stick and moving around to see the diffrent moon phases. Another activity that i remeber was with the planets and how as a group it was to help each other line up in the correct order of the planets and then revolve around each other and the sun.

Kristy Garza Kristy Garza 200 Points

Hey Isabel! I am also in the bilingual education program. You shouldn't be nervouse though, I am more than sure with this site, and through our courses we will be able to get helpful insight to help us succeed in our career as future teachers. I feel like there is plenty of things we can do to keep students engaged.  I feel the ones that are more hands on are the ones they tend to like the most! 


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