
Forums / New Teachers / Integration

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Sabrina Bumpke sabrina bumpke 3625 Points

In my education currently we are learning all about how to integrate subjects, however when I am in my field experience the subjects always seem separate. My question is what tips do you have to integrate science with other areas? 

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

If I must follow a scope and sequence for ELA and the science content is adjustable, I will use literature as the center of my lesson plan and build on that topic with my other subjects. Using literature for a spring board opens up a lot of different avenues for science, math, and sometimes even social studies. For example, if your class is reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff, you can ask the students to design a method for the billy goats to get across the water without waking the troll that lives under the rickety bridge. They may want to build a new bridge, a hot air balloon, a boat, etc. Then you can have them use the Engineering Design Process to plan for their new build. Look in the NSTA booko store for Picture Perfect Science Lessons. There are a series of books which are a great investment.

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