Call for Proposals: Wicked Problems in PreK-12 Science Education
We invite you to submit a chapter proposal for our upcoming book: Wicked Problems in PreK-12 Science Education to be published by Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).
Wicked problems are complex problems with far-reaching implications and no clear solutions. In the field of science education, we conceptualize wicked problems as topics that are difficult to teach because they are controversial (e.g., climate change) as well as systemic issues in education (e.g., social justice, ecojustice/ climate justice, white privilege, political attacks on education, economic disparity) that science teachers confront in their teaching, even though they may not feel like they can due to societal pressures and/or low self-efficacy. The aim of this edited book is to provide science teachers and science teacher educators strategies for addressing controversial and complex wicked problems in PreK-12 formal science education.
Book Sections:
- PreK-12 Students: case studies illustrate how PreK-12 students can engage with complex wicked problems.
- Teacher Candidates: case studies examine preparation of teacher candidates to meet the needs of their students and communities while reflecting on their own biases.
- In-service Teachers: case studies illustrate approaches to controversial and wicked topics that have been successful, and that confront complex retention issues like compassion fatigue and systemic inequities.
- Science Teacher Educators: how we can approach wicked problems in science education in a way that ties together the strengths and needs of all of the groups above.
Instructions for Proposal Abstracts:
Interested contributors should email an extended abstract to Jennifer Kreps Frisch [email protected] and Daniel Mason Alston [email protected] with the following information:
- Contributor(s) name and institution
- Proposed chapter title and section in which it fits best
- 500-1000 word summary of proposed chapter, making clear its connection to both wicked problems in science education and social justice themes.
- Brief CV that addresses the themes from the book
All chapters must be original, unpublished work.
Accepted authors will be asked to participate in a community of peer review with other chapters accepted for publication.
Deadline: All proposal abstracts should be submitted by Jun 3, 2024
Notifications: Contributors will be notified of acceptance by Aug 5, 2024
Accepted full chapters will be approximately 5000 words and submitted by Oct 7, 2024
Final book submitted to Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) by March 1, 2025