
Forums / Early Childhood / Alphabet

Early Childhood


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Marco Cazares Marco Cazares 395 Points

How can you teach students to learn the alphabet in which they are not just watching videos. I want to see what other strategies teachers have that they use, I am tired of seeing teachers putting students on computers. 

Mia Leal Mia Leal 620 Points

Hello Marco! A great way to teach students to learn the alphabet is to sing along to an alphabet song and incorporate posters or note cards. 

Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 8543 Points

My classes have done this various ways over the years.  We start with an exploration of line.  Then we usually look for found objects with the letters.  Rocks are great for this!

You can also have them create letters on the light table as part of a translucent, transparent, opaque investigation ( and you have them play with positive negative space also).  You can get into line transformation and make letters with shadows


A class favorite us making alphabet books basedon current investigatiins. W is fir Wildfire, L is for Lightning, etc.  That also can work as a group review/grouo formative assessment of concepts developed

There are many other ways as well, but these are three of my favorites

Hope this helps



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