
Elementary Science


Author Post
Alexandra and Liza . Alexandra and Liza 300 Points

Hello, I am a student and next semester i am going to do my student teaching. I would like to get any advice as to how i could teach my bilingual education classroom and different types of lessons i could incorporate. Thanks in advance!

Megan Doty Megan Doty 11847 Points

Hello Alexandra and Liza, I found an article in the Learning Center that includes some strategies to use when teaching bilingual students. The strategies were used in a second-grade classroom, but I wonder if you might be able to adapt them to other grade levels as well? Are there any other bilingual educators that can share some other strategies? Hope these help! -Megan

Alyssa Garcia Alyssa Garcia 300 Points

Hello Megan! How exciting! I am currently student teaching and taking a course to better support our MLL students in our classrooms. We are learning that becoming involved and getting to "know" your students is a great start! Being aware of the cultures that are in your class and where the students may be coming from can really help you in this process. Once you are aware of the languages and cultures that are relevant in your class you can learn more about that specific culture and language. From here it would be best to make or obtain visual aids for these students. We discuss that labels on objects that are being used can help students gain familiarisation with the objects. GOOD LUCK! Hope this little advice is helpful!

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