
Forums / General Science and Teaching / Removing Barriers

General Science and Teaching

Removing Barriers

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Alisha Goyco Alisha Goyco 1390 Points

'Removing Barriers' is an editor's note that highlights the fact that learning science should be made accessible for all students. Rather than giving up on students who have obstacles or difficulties, be they physical or mental, teachers should step up to the plate and make modifications. Although many teachers take the easy way out and teach out of the textbook, I believe experimentation is the best and most interesting way to teach science. Even if this means more work for the teacher to ensure that all students are able to engage, I believe it is worth it to see one's students succeeding and having fun.


Emily Faulconer Faulconer 5755 Points

The idea of removing barriers was a topic at a session I attended at the AAC&U Summer Institute just a few weeks ago. I liked the distinction the presenter made about the difference between equality and equity. Here's a cartoon image the presenter used that I found through an image search: 

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