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In what ways does this article, Mesozoic Measurement, represent exemplary science teaching? What practices are specific to science instruction, which are ubiquitous in all content areas? How can this lesson be scaled up to upper elementary grades?
This article represents exemplary science instruction by integrating students’ interests, complex science, and math practices. The authors explain, “Students use the science practices of mathematical and computational thinking and analyzing and interpreting data while they make predictions.” One aspect of this lesson that is ambiguous to any subject matter is students’ interests. This detail can engage students and hold their attention while they are completing these complex tasks. It also allows students to form their own deeper meaning and make connections from things they know or have experienced, to concepts that are being introduced.
They also include practices that are specific to science instruction, like patterns while recording data, comparing the lengths of dinosaurs, adaptations that the dinosaur has, and the “crosscutting concept of scale’.” The lesson also requires students to think mathematically. Specifically, the concept of “nonstandard measurement”. The authors explain that nonstandard measurement, or measuring objects using nonstandard measuring tools, is the first step in understanding scale.
This lesson could be scaled up for students above the age of 5 by adjusting the theme to that of our students’ interests or a real-world problem. One example could be measuring busses or cars (toys or real) and maybe comparing the two measurements. This lesson could also be completed in one or two days rather than three to increase the amount of time spent on this topic per day.
The first thing that stood out to me which represented exemplary science teaching was when they used the practice of the 5 E’s (Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, Evaluation). When using this practice, it enhances the children's learning because they are given the opportunity to explore scientific ideas using something that engages them. I also think the use of formative assessment with seeing how interested the students’ were in dinosaurs was very good as well. This is because interest is very important with how well your students will be engaged and this lesson did well with that. Also, by using objects that are not normally used for measuring, it will introduce the topic of scale to the children.
One practice that is ubiquitous in all content areas is using the interests of the children in order to engage them and excite them about the lesson. This is a very important practice that can be used upon all content areas. Another practice in this lesson that is ubiquitous among all content areas was making accommodations for children with special needs. This is important in ANY lesson. A practice from this lesson that is specific to science instruction would be the use of the scientific method. The students were asked to make predictions followed by testing that prediction.
This lesson can be scaled up to upper elementary grades in many ways. One of those ways being that the interest of dinosaurs can be adjusted to something that the older children are interested in. It can also be scaled up to upper elementary grades by working with converting units based upon length. Meaning, have the children measure the dinosaur and then use math concepts to convert how long the dinosaur is and then have them use that with how many dinosaurs were the length of the object.
I think the first way this article represents exemplary science teaching is the three-dimensional learning and the use of the 5E lesson. Students are learning about science but they are also using multiple skills to complete this lesson. Students are using and learning mathematical skills, computational thinking and they will be analyzing and interpreting data. This science lesson was also based on the interest of the students. This is important for student engagement and motivation to learn and particpate in the topic at hand. Each area of the 5E lesson format were well thought out and prepared. I think the engagment section grabbed the students attention perfectly and the formative assessments allowed the teacher to gather the students misconceptions about dinosaurs. I think the exploration was great that is included the students being active and moving aorund the classroom, this continues to engage students. I think each step of this lesson plan was student centered and allowed these students to learn many skills in 3 days without even knowing how much they were really learning.
I think the 5E lessons are ubiquitous in all content areas. The skils of engagment, exploration, explanation, elaboration and evauation can be used within multiple subjects such as with a social studies lesson, a math concept or an english topic. The three-dimensional leanring is based more speicifally to sciencetific topics to include cross cutting concepts, core ideas and practices to make soultions to problems. The mathematical thinking goes hand and hand with this lesson. Math and science concepts can be used in each subject area. The exploration activity about guessing the size of the dinosaurs could be used in a math lesson to learning about mesuring and making an estimate. Analyzing charts and bar graphs is also a practice that can be used in multiple content areas.
Each area of the 5E steps could be scaled up to an upper grade level. The engagement could include a video or an activity to gather an older group of students attention. The exploration section could still include a hands on activity for the students engagement. Even in older grades it is still important to include hands on and active learning. Older grades can also use bar charts and graphs to place their data and to analazye this data, they could go more in depth with the data findings. I think for the upper elementary grades the teacher will be able to do less assisiting and instructing then with this age group. I think it is important for older grades as well as the younger grades to be able to discuss their findings with the class.
This article represents exemplary sciense teaching in many different ways. One way that stuck out to me was the 5E's in science lessons which are used engage young students. The 5E's are engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. The 5E's take students interest and information they already know and build off it. In the article they built the lesson around dinosoaurs because that was the students intrinsic interest and the best way for students to learn because their interest is key for involvement in learning science. Along with that I believe exploration perfectly represents exlempary science teaching as students needs the opportunities to explore new science topics and all that come along with it. Like in the lesson they created in the article the students got the opportunity to compare the size of dinosaurs to objects in the classroom.
When it comes to practices that are specific science instruction all of the 5E's include practices that are science instruction. One of the specific examples is when the students made the bar graph of how many preschoolers per dinosaur. This can help the students visulize how big some of the dinosaurs were, while also showing the students that not all dinosaurs were super large. Another example is the students measuring the size of dinosaurs by lying on the floor, even though its not a standarized way of measuring it is still introducing mesaurement to students while engaging their interest and making it engaging. When it comes to which of the 5E's are ubiquitous, I believe they all are ubiquitous in their own ways but a few really stick out to me. The first one if engagement, having engaged students is importnat amongst all content areas. I think exploration is ubiquitous to because allowing your students to explore a topic is a good way for encouraging student led learning which can be beneficial in all content areas.
This lesson can be scaled up to upper elementary in many different ways.The first way you can upscale this lesson is through making the measurement part of the lesson more standarized by having the students measure how big the dinosaurs were with actual measuring tools like measuring sticks. Another way you can upscale this lesson is by having students describe the different characteristics of the different types of dinoaurs and how each dinosaur have different adaptations that allow them to survive and live in the wild.
While reading this article, I immediately noticed the 5E (Engagement, Exploration, Elaboration, Explanation, Evaluation) lesson to engage students that are 3-5 years old in three-dimensional learning. This is an example of exemplary science teaching because it is based on the child’s interest, analyzing and critical thinking, and math practices. I liked how for this lesson, the dinosaurs were chosen because of the students' interest and how the author wrote, “interest is an important factor in children’s involvement in learning science.” I agree with this statement from the author because a child is much more likely to participate and explore the lesson if it is based on something that interests them. I also liked reading about how before they started the activity, the students were explained the expectations, to use listening ears, to use their hands and feet properly, etc. This reminds the children of what they are expected to do before the activity is even started. This article had the children working with three-dimensional objects. I thought it was great because children love working hands-on with activities. The fact that this activity took multiple days was also interesting because it allows the children to go home thinking about the project and it also thoroughly explains and demonstrates the activity completely to the children.
This lesson demonstrates several examples of science instruction directly and also instruction that is more ubiquitous in all content areas. The science instruction examples performed throughout this lesson include the students taking measurements, recording their data, creating a hypothesis, and collecting their data. The ubiquitous examples that can be found in all content areas include the children being able to pick a topic based on their interests. Another example of ubiquitous practice includes when the children were asked to do specific tasks like sorting the dinosaurs from longest to shortest and allowing them to collaborate with each other. Lastly, I think that the 5E lessons could be considered ubiquitous in all content areas because it is about engagement, exploration, elaboration, explanation, and evaluation which can be incorporated into any lesson.
This lesson can be scaled up to upper elementary grades in several ways. One is that for this specific activity, the lesson’s interest was based on the interest that related to the 3-5 year olds participating. If this activity was to be demonstrated for a 4th or 5th-grade classroom, the interest could be based on their interests which might be a sport, a television show, a book, etc. Another way that this lesson can be scaled up to upper elementary grades would be for the children to not only measure the length but to also measure the volume, area, and perimeter. Lastly, another way that this activity could be scaled up to upper elementary grades is by introducing and working with conversions when figuring out the length of the topic.
The article Mesozoic Measurement represents exemplary science teaching because it gets children to engage in their learning focusing on their interests. It lets them explore science and math. In dinosaur measuring activity children can make a guess or prediction on how long they think the measurement will be. Then they can explore their prediction by mapping out how long the dinosaur would be. This helps them get a visual of the sizes are of the different dinosaurs. In one of the examples, the children got to measure the length using their bodies. They can also use different objects, doing this can let the students in the future explore different things at home using any object to measure. This helps them to be able to see the scale of measurements to things in their lives. The lesson contained the 5Es, engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, evaluation. Through each step of the lesson, the teacher supported the student's ideas and curiosities.
Letting children explore each step in their own way is a part of the whole lesson. They are able to ask questions and come up with ways to figure out the answers to those questions. By letting children ask questions and explore things they are curious about will keep them engaged in the topic they are learning. This is ubiquitous throughout the whole lesson and is important to science instruction.
This lesson could be scaled up for upper elementary grades by letting them pick a more advanced topic that interests them and using the same steps to explore those topics.
Gracie Dunkle, I really like the way you scaled the lesson up for upper elementary schoolers.
The article represents exemplary science teaching by using the 5E approach to the lesson. 5E represents engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. Going through these steps allows students to 'use the science practices of mathematical and computational thinking and analyzing and interpreting data while they interpret data'. Through these steps of the 5E, the students are able to put these skills into use.
I believe all 5 steps of the 5E approach are ubiquitous in all content areas. Students always first need to be engaged, then they explore the content being given, and seek an explanation for the content. Then they see how they can elaborate (or expand their knowledge) on the content and finally evaluate. The practices that are more specific to science instruction are making hypotheses, collecting and recording data, creating a chart based on the data, and comparing data. These are steps that are specific to elements of science.
This lesson can be scaled up to upper elementary grades in a couple of ways. First, you could include other aspects such as their weight. Since dinosaurs are heavy, the students would be dealing with larger numbers that they would have to conceptualize and break down. You could also have the students compare the height or length of the dinosaurs to different objects other than themselves. This could be football fields, shoes, cars, busses, etc.
Emilee, I really liked your idea to upscale the lesson to upper grades by having the students convert the measurements of the dinosaurs. I thought that is a great and simple way to change it to fit upper-grade standards.
This article represents exemplary science teaching by crosscutting concepts and building upon knowledge starting at a young age. This encourages deeper scientific thinking and engineering practices from the start. This way of teaching benefits students of less privileged backgrounds. This method of teaching could really be used in all content areas since it is so intertwined. A way to upscale this for upper elementary grades would be to use scale models or use actual measurements from fossils that can be found with research
One thing that stuck out to me in this article that represents exemplary science teaching is the 5E approach to the lesson. The 5E lesson is engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. This lesson has used every way of teaching like visual, hand-on, or auditory to ensure all learners are understanding the lesson. This lesson was also based off two questions, one question was to expand the students’ knowledge on science about a topic that most three- to five-year-old like and then the second question related the lesson to the students themselves because at this age the students really grasp the concept if they put themselves into the lesson. The content specific area of this article relates to science directly and directly experimenting to compare the Mesozoic measurements. This lesson also is ubiquitous to all content areas because of a variety of reasons, but here are just some of them. Using the measurements and having the students work on their one-to-one correspondence relates directly to math. The language that the teacher uses of the names of the real dinosaurs expands on the vocabulary of the student’s related it to English for the students. The history that can be learned through this content can help relay the social studies aspect talking about geography and the environment that these dinosaur’s lived in. This lesson can be modified for upper grade elementary education by changing the specific content that is being measured. This can be used like everyday objects that the students see, use, or know of. For example, talking about the size of the liberty bell after learning about it. This lesson can also be used for the students to compare different objects that they use to measure the objects.
Mesozoic Measurement represents exemplary science teaching because it breaks learning down into 5 E's: Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, Evaluation, making it simple to understand. Exemplary science teaching involves learning new skills rather than memorizing. For example, “students use the science practices of mathematical and computational thinking and analyzing and interpreting data while they make predictions” (p. 27). It also takes into consideration a topic that many elementary students have interests in: dinosaurs. By making the topic represent something of student interest, it makes it easier for students to want to learn.
Practices specific to science instruction, ubiquitous in all content areas are including the childrens’ interests, because this is one of the first steps in helping children want to learn. It also used a variety of learning styles and was a very hands-on activity. I also feel that the 5 E’s can be used in all subjects and content areas when teaching childrens.
This lesson can be scaled to upper elementary grades by using different measurement tools (instead of things like foam hearts) and adding more advanced follow up questions. For example, converting measurement units (inches into feet, centimeters into feet, etc). You could also take the older students to different places outside the classroom. In addition, they could look at things like mean, median, and mode . For example, finding the mean height of all of the dinosaurs provided.
This article, Mesozoic Measurements, represents exemplary science teaching because it focuses on the students' inherent interests and allows them to practice mathematical and computational thinking, analyzing and interpreting data while they make predictions about the different lengths and heights of the dinosaurs. When teaching it is important to use resources that entertain and interest the students because it will allow for more engagement for the students.
Throughout the explorations, students were able to expand their knowledge about dinosaurs and clear up any misconceptions that they might have previously thought. Throughout their exploration, the students were able to perform tasks that can be seen in the scientific method like picking a topic of study, asking a question, testing the hypothesis or prediction, collecting that data, examining the results, drawing their conclusions, and reporting their findings. At the beginning of the day, the students were able to form their own prediction or otherwise known as a hypothesis about how long the dinosaurs were from head to tail and how they compared to us. After this step is done the students then begin to test their predictions by laying out their hearts and the tape to determine how many kids it would take to make up the length of each dinosaur. The following day the students were able to analyze and interpret the data and explain the reasoning and make eight larger connections to the scientific concepts that were covered in their experiment. This experiment also helped the students prove that their misconceptions were wrong.
The instruction that is ambiguous in all contact areas would be using a topic that the students you were working with are interested in and allowing them to explore that subject area in a way that works for them. You should always allow for discussion and exploration so the students are able to create a deeper connection with the content you are covering.
To make this lesson be scaled up for upper elementary by still having the students brainstorm their knowledge about dinosaurs and discussing their misconceptions, then having them ask a question. After deciding on a question you can have the students form their hypothesis and instead of using smaller units of measure, you can take the students to the football field if possible and show them that 27 m, which is the length of an Apatosaurus, is equal to 29 yards on the football field. You could mark where the 29-yard line would be on the football field then have the students complete the same activity as in the previous lesson but they would have to be able to figure out a way for the students to line up and lay on the field in a way we can get all the way to 29 yards. If we haven’t run out of students the students would have to figure out a way to find a stopping point and go from there. You could do this with different types of dinosaurs, then have the students record their findings and create their own chart that shows how many students it takes to be the same length as that particular dinosaur.
Avery, I found your post to be very interesting and to have some similar aspects as my response did. I agree with you that focusing on students inherent interest is vital for science instruction and learning. Science and mathematics can be very difficult sometimes so, making sure students are enjoying what they are learning is important t on deciding whether students will be engaged learners or not so engaged. I really liked your ideas on how you planned to scale up the lesson for older students. Using the football field to measure how big the dinosaurs were, I believe would have a lot of the students engaged, it would be very hands on and the students would be able to see how big or small the dinosaurs were.
I really liked your idea for the scaled-up for upper elementary grades. By taking the students to a football field and allowing them to use larger measurements, they are still able to partake in this fun activity but in a way that is more appropriate for their grade level. Getting to layout on a football field with your classmates to take data is a great way to get your older students engaged!! Love this idea.
This lesson does a great job of representing exemplary science instruction because it incorporated the childrens intrests: dinosaures. This is important because it makes the children more inclined to learn. There is also multiple different types of assessments to keep up with what your children already know and what they may need extra practice in. The children also had the opportunity to share and collaborate with their classmates. This helped each child learn from one another. For example, during the first step the children shared what they knew about dinosaures. There was only one child who told the class that dinosaures could be tiny. This is a great example of how children build off one another and can help teach their classmates. This lesson also included multiple subject areas in one. Students are using their science skills, math skills, computional thinking, analyzing, interperting data, and predictions during this lesson. This lesson is extremly interactive and allows the children to form their own ideas on the topic.
This article/lesson also includes practices that are specific to science instuctions. For example, the children were able to decide what they wanted to study during this exploration. They then created and tested their predictions and hypotheses while asking questions along the way. They then collected their data and recorded that data. They reviewed what they had found and talked about the results that came from this lesson. The children were able to look at the misconceptions of dinosaures and prove them wrong and then have a conversation about what they learned.
To make this lesson for children older than the age of five you could; have the students choose another topic of their choice. The older students will most likely be interested in something more advanced which will make this lesson versatile. The students could be measuring larger objects and collaborate with one other partner or in small groups. You could have them use journals to write out their findings and create more detailed graphs. There are many ways that this lesson could be changed to meet the needs of older children and these are just a couple.
-Claire Bourquin
Claire, I thought that your discussion post was very insightful and I enjoyed reading it. I liked how you mentioned before the activity about how the children got to share what they knew about dinosaurs. This is a great tool to get the children introduced to the topic while also allowing them time to share with the class and collaborate with others. I mentioned similar points in my discussion as you did in yours. I also really liked your idea about how for upper elementary grades, this activity could be scaled up to the children using journals to write their findings out and create a more detailed graph. I did not even think of that! Great job on your discussion!
Claire, I really like your reflection on how this lesson demonstrates exemplary science that I didn't think about right away which would be the assessment aspect. It is important to note what children do or don't already know which leads to an 'exemplary lesson'. :)
I really liked your reflection. Your second part of your reflection taking about collecting the data was interesting. I also like how you talked about how students could then talk about what they were right and wrong about at the beginning of the lesson.
After reading this article, Mesozoic Measurement, it is evident that it represents exemplary science teaching through its focus on the students interests, math practices, and computational thinking and analyzing. The focus on the students interests is what makes this ubiquitous. It allows for the students to be fully engaged in what they are learning and allow for them to want to learn since it is something they are interested in. This engagement will allow for them to talk about the things they already know about the specific topic and then learn deeper information about it.
Different practices that are specific to science instruction in this article are when the students compared the lengths of the dinosaurs which lead to the learning of adaptation. This had the students noticing similar evolutionary features between each dinosaur. They then would use the date of the 'length of the dinosaurs and displayed the date in bar graph format'. It then allows for the students to practice counting to identify patterns. Overall, the lesson teaches the students nonstandard meaurement.
This type of lesson can be used for the upper elementary school grades. They could use it by changing the topics to relate to whatever grade levels interests. This lesson could also more than likely be shortened because they should be able to complete activities in a faster manner than the younger ages. As long as the topics spark their interests and it engages them, it will benefit their learning. To find those interests, the teachers could create a form for each student to fill out to learn about them.
Emily, I totally agree with your post. I love how you said, 'The focus on the student's interests is what makes this ubiquitous.' I totally agree with this idea and talked about it in my post as well. I also love your idea of changing the lesson to be for older students. The idea of allowing them to choose their own topics and interests is great and changing the time to be short will be very beneficial.
This article demonstrated exemplary science teaching by incorporating the student's interests while completing an extensive experiment. The teacher was able to teach to the students learning abilities and make adaptions for students with special needs as well as students who needed more challenging work. Students were working on numerous scientific and mathematical skills and concepts throughout the experiment. The teacher was providing guidance to the students and was allowing them to explore and analyze data. These skills are very important to learn, and the teacher did a very good job at showing kids how to use resources and compare and contrast objects attributes.
The practices that were specific to science instruction included students incorporating the 5 E's. Students explored a topic that they did not fully understand, and they analyzed the data that they had come up with during the experiment and then reviewed the findings with one another. Students were also making predictions while working. They related the concepts of scales that they learned about to other activities that they had already done within the classroom. Throughout their analyzing they discovered patterns and adaptations that dinosaurs have. The other skills that students practiced that can be used anywhere include interpreting data, computational thinking, and using prior knowledge.
This lesson could be scaled up to higher grades by having students dig deeper into the studies of dinosaurs. Students can talk about evolution and why different animals have different characteristics. They can make conversions with the dinosaur's height in m to ft. Instead of the teacher making the graph for the students, older children could make their own graphs based off the data that they gathered. Also, students could look at the weight differences between the dinosaurs and what they eat. The steps and skills taught throughout this lesson can be used within any age level classroom by going more in depth of concepts and having the teacher take a less hands on approach and allow the students to create their own experiments.
I liked how you talked about upscaling this lesson by digging deeper into the lessons to give students what they need to continue to develop in their learning skills. There are so many ways to scale up a lesson for more developed students and I like how you descibed that!
This article, Mesozoic Measurements, obviously represents exemplary science teaching through the incorporation of students’ likes and interests into the lesson. This will aid in the implementation of the lesson because it will keep students engaged throughout the lesson. This lesson also represents exemplary science teaching because it incorporates math practices, as well as consistent computational thinking and analysis. This lesson will allow students to recall previous information and schemas and connect these pre-existing schemas to new knowledge in order to deepen their overall knowledge of the topic and strengthen their thinking. This lesson helps students connect this information across other subject areas, which is another reason why this lesson is exemplary.
This lesson has multiple parts of the lesson that are specific to science teachings and instruction. Specifically, the incorporation of the 5 E’s in the lesson helped with the overall engagement of the students. Students also compared dinosaurs by size and similar and different features. This led to the idea of adaptation and how dinosaurs adapted due to evolution over time. This lesson also included steps from the Scientific Method like developing a hypothesis (prediction) and then testing that prediction. Students also had to analyze their data and discuss their findings after conducting the test of their predictions.
This lesson also incorporates other subject areas into the lesson in many different ways. First, they sparked engagement in the lesson by using student interest based on past experiences. This could be used in any subject area because student interest is important for any educator in order to get curriculum across to students and to make sure student learning is in full swing. Another way this lesson can be expanded across other lessons is when this lesson allows students to analyze data and discuss their findings in a group setting.
This lesson can be scaled up to students in the upper elementary grades in many ways. For example, one simple way is to change the student’s interests based on their development. Students in 4th and 5th grade will be in the middle of their Concrete Operational thinking stage. This means that students will start thinking slightly more abstractly than before and the level of thinking and discussion will be higher than with younger students. Another way this lesson could be scaled up is by changing the curriculum specifically as it deals with adaptation and Evolutionary Theory. Students at this age will be able to comprehend more of the curriculum than students in kindergarten or first grade. This lesson could also be extended into more of an individual setting where students could work on a project based off of the original lesson.
I liked how you talked about how you could scale this lesson up for older grades. I like how you talked about their developmental satge and how they will be in the middle of their concrete operational thinking statge which will determine their thinking and how you can alter your teaching styles based off that.
The article Mesozoic Measurement represents exemplary science teaching because it includes science skills used in the real world such as disciplinary core ideas, engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, etc. This lesson also allowed children to integrate skills and knowledge from other subject areas such as mathematics, language arts social studies, art, etc. The Mesozoic Measurement lesson also promotes child directed learning and develops the lesson based on the children’s interest for dinosaurs. This lesson also utilized their students’ prior knowledge to make it most effective. Lastly, this lesson was exemplary since it consisted of all the parts of an effective lesson such as engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration and evaluation. Some of the practices specific to science instruction are use of research questions to guide the lesson, measuring using nonstandard measuring tools, use of vocabulary such as “scale”, use of stations, analyzing and interpreting data and making conclusions. All of these science skills and practices are used in science jobs in the real world, so exposure at a young age encourages these strategies and way of thinking. Some ubiquitous practices in all contents are formative assessments when children were asked to sort the dinosaurs from longest to shortest, reading to gain prior knowledge, charting and graphing data, identifying patterns, making accommodations and comparing measurable attributes. Integrating practices and strategies from other content areas also encourages the children to be strong and creative problem solvers. This lesson can be scaled up to upper elementary grades by changing the topic of the lesson since this specific lesson was geared towards 3–5-year-old students’ interest in dinosaurs. The topic of the lesson could be changed to almost any topic that the students show interest in such as rollercoasters, pools, sport fields, etc. It can also be scaled up by changing the dimension you are measuring in 3D. Instead of measuring length you could attempt to measure volume, area, etc. Scaling up this lesson for upper elementary grades has much flexibility to design it for the specific children it is intended for.
I love your idea of making this lesson more challenging/appropriate for upper grade levels by including 3D measurements like volume and area. It's also important to inform the direction/content of your science lessons by considering students' interests. This makes learning interesting and exciting!
This article represents exemplary science instruction by integrating students’ interests and the five Es. The five Es are engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, evaluation. Engagement is used in order to have students develop an interest in the topic of discussion. Exploration is used to allow children to creatively think about the topic. Explanation is used to show their reasoning for the ideas they had during exploration. Elaboration is used in order to think about their explanations and sum them up to one idea. Evaluation is used to interpret data and analyze their findings.
One practice that is ubiquitous in all content areas is allowing children to do the findings in their own creative and inventive ways. They need to feel like scientists in order to make a connection and interest in the topics. Another practice that is ubiquitous in all content areas is using the interests of the children in order to engage them and excite them about their lessons. This is a very important practice that can be used in all content areas.
This lesson could be scaled up to elementary age by changing the main interest, dinosaurs. The older students could choose their own interests and complete the lesson in small groups or on their own. They could also add real-world topics or issues to solve them.
I also thought that the 5E structure of the lesson was an important thing to highlight from this article. Those characteristics are so important to science education because they provide a great outline for the discovery and learning that happens in science, often through observation and experimentation.
You also make a good point by explaining that, when considering how to scale up this lesson, we should follow the students' inherent interests and find ways to base lessons around them in order to maintain motivation.
Mackenzie I really enjoyed reading your post and felt that you included a lot of good insight about the main parts of the article. I agree with you that allowing children to do their own findings and exploration is ubiquitous. The reason for that is one of the best ways for students to learn is through student led learning. I like your idea on how you could upscale the lesson and let the older students pick their interest and learn about what they like.
I totally agree with letting the children do the findings in their own creative and inventive ways. This allows them to really experience and understanding the lesson from in the classroom. I also love the idea to add real-world topics or issues for older students!
This lesson displayed exemplary science teaching because it was informed by students’ interests, which creates a sense of motivation to engage and learn. It also provided hands-on, multisensory, experiential learning, which is integral to science education throughout the entire extent of one’s schooling and provides a deeper understanding of scientific and mathematical concepts. It connected exploration to real data and displayed that data in a digestible way with a bar graph.
In this lesson, students followed the scientific method by asking investigative questions about dinosaurs (ex. “how do dinosaurs compare to us?”), hypothesized about the answers to those questions, then conducted an experiment to find the answers to those questions. This “5E” structure of the lesson lends itself to scientific thinking because it follows the scientific method. The article describes “crosscutting concepts,” which are used to integrate many content areas and skills with one overarching concept. We see this with the addition of math concepts in the given lesson, like counting and visually comparing the numbers of objects.
The concept of nonstandard measurement could be scaled up for older grades by having students measure lines and/or objects around the room with a set of other given objects. Students could work in pairs, with one partner measuring a length with an object, and the other partner guessing which object was used to measure. For example, a student could explain, “this line is 3 ½ of an object.” and the other student could look at the set of possible objects to guess which one would give that result. This gives students practice with the skill of estimation.
Ryan, I really enjoyed reading your discussion and thought that you added several great points. We had a few similar ideas that I also mentioned in my discussion! I liked your point when you explained that providing hands-on, multisensory, and experiential learning provides a deeper understanding of scientific and mathematical concepts. I also loved your idea about scaling this lesso up for upper elementary grades by the students working in pairs, having one partner measuring a length with an object, and the other partner guessing which object was used to measure. This is a fun way that allows the children to collaborate while also learning the measurements of different objects. Great discussion post!
I totally agree with your post. I love how you talked about the scientific method and hypothesis. I also love your idea of changing the lesson to be for older students. The idea of estimation is a great one because it is a very interesting topic for older students.
After reading this article, Mesozoic Measurement, there are many ways it represents exemplary science teaching. Throughout the article, the author talks about a verity of different things that help students learn to the best of their ability. I liked the 5E method which is – engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, evaluation. Using the 5E method, it allows students to use their best aspect of understanding to learn certain concepts. The methods the author listed in the article are great for student learning because the students can use their actual bodies to physically learn the concepts they are being taught. I know that me personally, I am a hands-on learner, so I like the way they gave examples of hands-on learning.
In this article, the practices that are specific to science instruction are when the students were asked to measure the lengths of different dinosaurs in the classroom. They were given specific instruction on how to do this task. One practice that is ubiquitous in other content areas is when the students made a bar graph with the number of preschoolers and the type of dinosaurs. This activity can also be used in math courses to compare results and get statistics.
This lesson can be scaled up to upper elementary by using different lessons that pertain to that grade level. Depending on the grade, any lesson or activity can be scaled up to support what those students are learning. Using different activities with students depending on the lesson can be scaled up based on the grade.
Great post! I love that you talked about how you enjoyed the 5E method. I totally agree! I am also a hands-on learner, I feel like its a great method for hands-on learners.
I noticed how this article was focused on a lot of hands-on learning. When I think of science, I think of hands on. I agree that any lesson or activity can be upscaled to support a grade level.
The article on Mesozoic Measurement represents exemplary science teaching because it focuses on students’ interests (in this case dinosaurs). The teachers who wrote this lesson were able to really captures their student’s attention. This instruction was divided into multiple days and kept building upon the topic; it was carefully planned to keep engagement in the lesson and not have the students become overwhelmed with “too much to do” because in some cases science exploration can be become “busy” and lack the real meaning and connection to content teachers hope to establish.
The practices specific science instruction were the 5 E’s. Students were able to choose a topic they wanted to investigate, collected, and analyzed data, recognized patterns, compared/ contrast. Additionally, the students used mathematic abilities to understand nonstandard measurement and scale. They worked with charts and graphs to interpret data.
To scale the lesson up for upper elementary grades I would investigate with dissection of owl pellets; with reference to closely studying and sorting the bones by type, skull, ribs, etc. By putting the bones back together the students can compare to the bodies of dinosaurs and predict what they might look like. And make a ratio based on size between the two different animals.
One way that exemplary science teaching is represented is how the students’ interests were at the center of the lesson. The lesson that is highlighted focuses on dinosaurs and how they varied in length, which made them useful when talking about scale. When students’ interests are used to build lessons, it draws the attention of the child into what is being taught. Students are able to share what they know about the topic with the rest of the class allowing them to become engaged with the lesson from the beginning. In this lesson, students are able to explore materials and use them for purposes other than the intended purpose of the object. Overall, this lesson is very hands-on and has ample opportunities for students to create their own thoughts on the topic.
The 5E’s were the practices that were specific to science instruction. The 5E’s included engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. These aspects of the lesson were used to engage the students in three-dimensional learning. The students were presented with a topic that they did not fully understand yet and were asked to analyze the data that they collected during the experiment. They then reviewed this data with other students in the class.
This lesson doesn’t have to stop at just measuring scale. To modify it to fit upper elementary grade students can take a closer look at dinosaurs. They could start with this lesson and then move on to conversions of the heights that they collected. For example, if they originally measured with blocks, they could see how many inches the blocks represent. Once they have that information, they can figure out how many inches tall is the dinosaur by using the original number of blocks that they collected. They could even take it a step further and calculate how many feet the dinosaur is. There are endless amounts of lessons that can follow the one demonstrated in the article.
A concept that stuck out to me while reading this article is the fact that it highlights the importance of having multiple concepts for one unit in the classroom. Although the students may not realize, they are being exposed to numerous concepts in a very engaging way. I also really liked how each student was given a sense of autonomy which is very important in the younger grades to cater to their needs. The instructors were also able to incorporate the thoughts of the students in a meaningful way by allowing them to use this unit of dinosaurs to engage their interests in the classroom.
The aspects of this lesson that are specific to science include the collection of data, modification of measurent, comparing the data, and using scales. These are all great aspects of science and how we use science in our everyday lives without always realizing. The aspects that are ubiquitous are the 5 Es. Engagement is used for all subjects and really is crucial for students and their learning. Exploration allows students to obtain information either as a group or as an individual and allows them to discover new ideas. Explanation allows for the instructors to give a clearer understanding for all students with their tasks. Elaboration gets students and teachers working together to come to a more formal understanding. Evaluation is used in all classrooms to help teachers gauge learning and interests.
This lesson could be scaled up for older learning using standard measurements and conversions. Students could use rulers, yard sticks, even centimeters and use their knowledge of scale to again relate to this lesson. The students could also be using different objects to measure such as the area of their desk, classroom, or white board. Students in older grades could also use different measurement tools just like the younger grades and compare and contrast with their standard measurements. It is important for students in older grades to understand the concepts of scales and measurements that we use daily.
This article, 'Mesozoic Measurement', did an excellent job at representing exemplary science teaching. This article explained a lesson in which the students partake in something called 5E learning. During this science teaching, the author explains how the students will be doing an activity that is engaging to their interest, which is dinosaurs. They would be doing exploration tasks and elaborating with peers. Then, finally an evaluation. This dinosaur science teaching focused on mathematical and computational thinking. They also used this activity to analyze data and work on knowledge of scaling and comparing. I think that the key aspect in all 5E’s of this activity was the engagement of the student’s which was easily grasped by creating an activity that they were interested in and because of this engagement, the teacher was able to engage the students and hold attention while completing all of the activity.
The practices that I believe are ubiquitous in all content areas is the inclusion of the 5E approach to learning. Students were exploring a topic of their interest, making them easily engaged. They learned about all things dinosaurs, including the discussion of adaptations. They then were asked to explore by actively doing the measurements using their bodies and making predictions based off prior knowledge and later based on findings, they were actively asking questions, creating and analyzing data, and using mathematical concepts such as scale and the usage of non-standard measuring tools. They were elaborating based off open ended questions and working in groups. Then evaluating based on their findings, the students analyzed and interpreted their data while they looked for patterns and used those as evidence. All of these tasks intertwine all different types of instruction in all content areas, making it an effective and engaging lesson.
This lesson can be scaled up to upper elementary grades by changing the topic of the specific lesson, and gearing it towards an age-appropriate interest for the students. Also, still involving measurement, the students could make conversions of measurement based on different measurement units. I think that the 5E approach should still be used no matter the grade because it’s an engaging way to get students involved and use three-dimensional learning.
I agree with how you scaled up the lesson for the upper elementary grades. I thought about a lot of the same ideas especially the conversions. I also agree with how enganging the 5E approach is when it comes to all grade levels becuase it is adaptable to every learning style for the students.
I also talked about the 5E lesson and we hit a lot on the same points. I agree with the ways that the 5E approach is ubiquitous becuase with every 'E' there is another type of learner that can follow this lesson. I really liked the examples that you gave on how the lessons could be interchanged, and I did think of all the ways to really use this lesson. I also enjoyed reading about how you would upscale the lesson for upper elementary years. You went into great detail about all of the 5E's. Nicely written!
This article, Mesozoic Measurement, shows exemplary science teaching in the classroom. First the lesson of measuring is taught using the sizes of dinosaurs that the students enjoy and love. This grabs the students attention and motivates them. A big part of how the students were learning from exemplary teaching was having the real size of different dinosaurs marked on the floor of the classroom. This gives the students the visual of how that dinosaur was compared to themselves. They used students for their first nonstandard unit. All of these factors were a part of exemplary teaching because the kids weren’t just memorizing facts and information about measuring. They were exploring and learning visually. This lesson included science because of dinosaur information. They learn about different types of dinosaurs and different sizes they have. A big part of this lesson was also mathematics. They create a graph and measure nonstandard units. One way is changing the measurement into standard units like inches and centimeters.
This article shows exemplary science in a multitude of ways. One of the major things that I personally noticed was the 5E. These stand for Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation. There is set aside time for each of the Es to be explored during the activity. Students are learning science while also gaining valuable life skills that help them become lifelong engaged learners. The lesson was also gauged towards students' interests and something that they wanted to learn more about.
I truly believe that the 5Es are a great example of ubiquitous in all content areas because, in most, if not all subject areas, you want your students to be engaged, exploring, explaining, elaborating, and evaluating in everything that they do. Students can use these skills when solving a math problem, summarizing a story, or learning about historical events. In this science instruction, you not only see the use of science skills, but also math skills. Science in math goes hand and hand especially when collecting data, measuring, or creating charts or graphs is involved.
I think you could easily scale this activity to be more advanced or for higher-level grades by simply changing the topic of measurement. You could do an interest survey of what the children would be interested in measuring and use more complex measurements. You could easily still apply all of the 5Es.
This article represents exemplary science teaching because it allows science to be accessible even to students who do not come from privileged backgrounds. It also details a 5E lesson, which truly allows the students to explore a topic on their own and work through challenges. The 5E method stands for engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. These steps allow students to not only build on their knowledge of scientific practices, but engage in an engineering research perspective that focuses on creative problem solving.
The practices that are specific to science instruction are the methods of exploring a question and experimenting to gain a better understanding of a topic, as well as learning about another species of life and its characteristics. The practices that are ubiquitous in all content areas are the history of dinosaurs and the origin of them, time period, etc. could all be tied to social studies and history. The measurements of the dinosaurs and the numerical values of measurements can be tied to mathematics. The scientific names of the dinosaurs could be written out next to the images of them, which could be tied to reading and language arts instruction. The discussion of their findings can aid in social emotional development.
This lesson can be scaled up to upper elementary grades by using more standard units of measurement, doing a deeper dive into the origins of dinosaurs, learning more about the evolution of dinosaurs, and comparing and contrasting the sizes of them.
The Mesozioc article represents exemplary science teaching because as said in the article, crosscutting concepts “'enable less privileged students, most from non-dominant groups, to make connections among big ideas that cut across science disciplines” (NGSS Lead States 2013 Appendix D, p. 6).' It also incorporates the 5E methods in the lesson on dinosaurs to engage the younger students when learning about three-dimensional concepts.
The practices that are ubiquitous in all content areas was reading the National Geographic Kids: Ultimate Dinopedia, as it can be tied to history because it gave the students backgroud knowledge about dinosaurs. Another practice would be the 5E methods, as those can be used in any content area. The practices that are specific to science instruction are the methods of describing and comparing dinosaurs and their size, look, etc.
This lesson could be scaled up to upper elementary classrooms by allowing students to broaden their topic, come up with mathematical equations and graphs, and using other standard units of measurements(their shoes, their hands, etc.).