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New Teachers

Tips for New Teacher!

Author Post
Charisse Rubio Charisse Rubio 705 Points

Hi everyone!

I'm currently in a teaching program at UH Manoa. I'll be graduating in May and hopefully within my own classroom by next August. I'm super excited and a little nervous so I just wanted some tips or suggestions to help me through my first year of teaching! (And any tips or suggestions for teaching long-term!)

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Congratulations, Charisse. Continue to reach out and make connections with other teachers, especially those that inspire you. Remember that no one person knows everything there is to know. Take advice from those who are credible and want to help you succeed. Stay away from the negative people. Join professional groups like NSTA and Twitter. Follow science groups on social media. There are a few groups I like on FB. Read and learn as much as you can. Create and build your online library here on NSTA. Challenge yourself to learn and try 2 or 3 new science experiments each month. Keep a science journal! Keep a science journal every year that you teach!

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