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Twitter for Chemists

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Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68625 Points

I just finished reading the first article in my copy of the latest Chem 13 News. This is a publication from the University of Waterloo on HS chemistry education. In addition to an outline of how twitter might be used in the classroom, there is a list of Twitter favorites. Guardian Science (@guardianscience) New Scientist (@newscientist) NY Times science (@nytimesscience) Science Friday (@scfri) Chemistry World (@ChemistryWorld)

Vanessa Cannon Vanessa Cannon 1660 Points

Perfect idea! I've been getting some great visuals from groups of science people on facebook as well. They come out with some great cartoons as well as beautiful electron scans of common things. I've attached one here that's interesting to me because I live in Hawaii. Forgive me but I don't want to say the group name because it has offensive words in it, but search I love science in facebook and it's likely to come up.


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