NARIKA_December Campaign


Forums / New Teachers / Future teacher :)

New Teachers

Future teacher :)

Author Post
Caroline Bellant Caroline Whitford 1250 Points

Hello!  I am a Central Michigan University student who is learning to use the E-text! What a great resource! As and online advisor, I was wondering what this has to offer me as a pre-service teacher by using the resources available through the NSTA.  Thank you, Caroline Bellant

Amanda Wolfe Amanda Wolfe 16375 Points

Hello Carolline and Welcome,
I have answered this post here.

Ruth Hutson Ruth Hutson 65085 Points

Hi Caroline, I am an Online Advisor. I am here to help you find resources to increase your pedagogical knowledge. I can also help you brainstorm exciting and innovative lessons. Typically, we chat via the forums. However, you can also private message with questions. Have a great semester!

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