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Distance Learning

Online Learning

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Ayleen Rodriguez Ayleen Rodriguez 100 Points

I, as a college student, have had a problem adujsting to the new learning system. Personally, online lessons don't stick to me the way having an in class lesson would. Is there any tips to help me understand online lesons more clearly??

Stefania Rodriguez Stefania Rodriguez 470 Points

Hello Ayleen, last year when we first transitioned full online learning I had the same problem. I always picked traditional classes because it's easier for me to retain the information when in person. Some of the things that help me retain information better would be to take notes and if I ever needed any clarification as to ask questions. Having a open communication between you and your professor is the key to your succes. Also time management is very important when attending online classes time flies. I would keep a calendar with important due dates on my phone. 

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