
Forums / Early Childhood / Science Projects

Early Childhood

Science Projects

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Brandi Rodriguez Brandi Rodriguez 20 Points

Can 2nd and 3rd graders conduct a science experiment, if so what are some of the best science experiments for this grade level? 

Jessica Barnett Jessica Barnett 200 Points

Although it is not an 'all hands in' type of experiment, I do remember a local scientist coming to my 4th grade class and doing the egg in a bottle demonstration for us. He took a 2L bottle, lit some matches and threw them into the bottle, and stuck a pre-boiled egg on top. The heat from the matches changes the pressure in the bottle, thus creating a vaccuum and sucking the egg in! I remember absolutely loving watching this, being fully engaged, and ready to learn more. He even did pre-demo questions asking who thought he could fit the egg into the bottle without breaking it. 

While this is a lengthy response, I figured it could be a starting point for you! A quick google search will bring up many results for this, or you can even try the similar demo that I have found on this site, but instead of an egg the teacher used a balloon. Very fun and exciting for most kids! 

Good luck! 

-Jessica Barnett 

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