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Elementary Science

Taking students on a field trip

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Tara Roman Tara-Taiz Roman 4270 Points

Hi all I am Elementary Ed major and was wondering if you have any tips on incorperating field trips into lessons before and after the trip. I was also wondering if anyone has tips on doing field trips with elementary students as I think it would be good for some classes.

Getzemany Garcia Getzemany Garcia 140 Points

I am also an Elementary Education major and am wondering the same thing. I grew up constantly taking field trips and actually seeing the lessons and topics we learned about come to life. Students should recieve the hands on and real life experience by going to places near them that relates to school science. Seeing the places available around us should also take part into lesson planning.

Christa Martinez Christa Martinez 65 Points

Hi, im an elmentary major as well. I totally agree on how incorporating outside science influences to our class is important. I remember growing up my class went to a birding center in my city and it was such a new world for us. It was one of the first times I had gotten excited for science. Remembering back on that should gives us a response on how our students should feel when we take them on a science field trip.

- Christa

Cassandra Reyna Cassandra Reyna 170 Points

I feel like field trips are so fun that you don't realize you are learning.  A lot of schools try to stay away because they are very stressful. But the students do get a lot of insite from taking those field trips. They also never forget.

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