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Forums / Elementary Science / In Class Science Activities

Elementary Science

In Class Science Activities

Author Post
Makenzie Beckwith Makenzie Beckwith 190 Points

What are some of your favorite in class science activities you have done with your students in a K-6 classroom? Please specific what grade you were tecahing at the time of the activity.

Abbi McCoy Abbi McCoy 200 Points

Hey Mackenzie! I'm not a teacher yet, but I have found some pretty fun science activities to do with K-6 kiddos online! You can have them build a pendulum and test what factors affect the rate that it swings. Hope this helps!

Abbi McCoy Abbi McCoy 200 Points

Hello Mackenzie! What a great question! Teaching students about how magnets work is always fun. You can have them brainstorm why the different poles exist, and how compasses work!

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