
Forums / Elementary Science / Student teacher

Elementary Science

Student teacher

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Jaqueline Colin Jaqueline 1530 Points

Greetings, Could someone please share an activity about earthworms and soil. I seem to have caught creative's block. The students' grade level is Kindergarten.

Flavio Mendez Flavio Mendez 52501 Points

Dear Jaqueline, See journal articles (activities) for soil at the URL below: You can click on "Explore All Resources" to search for reference material and lessons. Flavio.

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Jaqueline, check this out.

Theresa Lee Theresa Lee 1050 Points

Hi Jaqueline, How about setting up a tank/container with some soil and earthworms. If you wrap the container with black construction paper, the worms will burrow to the edges and your students will see evidence of the worm activity. Good luck!

Brittney Just Brittney Just 743 Points

This is such a cool idea!  I like the idea of letting the sutdents actually observe what happens to the worms when the black construction paper is put on the tank.  Thanks for sharing!

Felicity Carter Felicity Carter 505 Points

This is a really cool way for students to observe science in the real world. I am a very visual learner, so physically watching the worms do this would be very interesting as a kid! 

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