
Forums / New Teachers / What to expect as a new teacher

New Teachers

What to expect as a new teacher

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Janellie Ramirez Janellie Ramirez 500 Points

Hello everyone, I was wondering what can I expect as a first year elementary teacher or what are some important tips  to know to be able to be successful? 

Kristin Preast Kristin Preast 1670 Points

Hey I am currently a college student but I've been working in a preschool for a while. Elementary kids tend to take advantage and act out. On your part, you need to discipline them so it doesn't progress to anything worse. You need to let your class know that this is your classroom and you are the person in charge. I would often reward the ones that are doing the right thing. On the other hand those who don't keep a record in a document and if it gets too out of hand contact their parent(s) for a meeting. 

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